Cultivate Labs Support Article

Cultivate Labs Support Articles

Judge the correct answer of a Flashcast

If you know the outcome of a question, you can judge (or resolve) the question with the correct answer.

During your presentation:

  • From the Present screen, go to the “gear” icon on the bottom right corner and from the dropdown select Resolve
  • Enter the correct answer and click the Create Resolution button
  • The screen will show “Correct!” next to the right answer

After your presentation:

  • Log in to
  • From the Dashboard, find the question and select the Resolve button next to it
  • Enter the correct answer and click the Create Resolution button

Judging a question is a great way to stay in touch with participants after the presentation. When people submit their prediction, they have the option to opt in to receive an update on the question when it gets judged. Participants will get an email showing them the correct answer compared to the consensus outcome and their own response.

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